Grain Community

The concept of a grain community is one we’re proud to embrace. The Skagit Valley is one of the best growing regions in the world and the community that is now based around grains grown here is remarkable. From breeding, baking, milling, brewing, and distilling to passionate growers, seed banks, and super fans, this valley is passionate about what grows here.

We’re proud to call these folks a part of our Grain Community - neighbors, friends, and inspirations.

The Breadlab

Skagitonians to Preserve Farmland

Genuine Skagit Valley

Skagit Farm to Pint 

Viva Farms


Our growers are the core of what we do. Their expertise allows us to provide our customers with great malt. The care they take for the grains, in the ground through harvest, is the beginning of our story.

We’re currently working with 7 growers across the Pacific Northwest. These growers include our initial group and have expanded as we scale up. We like to keep things local and our growers have the ability to scale up with new varieties and additional acreage. If you’re interested in learning more about our individual growing partners, head to our Grower page.


Without delighted customers, we wouldn’t be able to continue our exploration of what these grains in this valley can do. By supporting us, our customers are supporting local growers and organizations in our community continue building a community around grains in the Skagit Valley.