Skagit Valley Malting is proud to offer Talisman True British Ale to brewers looking for a local expression of a classic UK barley. Our Talisman barley has been bred from Maris Otter, which gives it hints and similarities of this classic winter barley. With a growing climate similar to the UK, this is as close to a True British Ale malt as you will find in the US.


Malt Story

As with many of our projects, there was a request put in by a customer, Adam Paysse at Floodland Brewing - “Can you make a Talisman malt that has a flavor close to what I would expect from Maris Otter?” We buckled the barley into our machine and took it for a spin until the flavor was just shy of Munich. The lower protein artifacts naturally occurring in the barley allow us to input more flavor while maintaining a lighter color.

What that means for you

This is a massive opportunity for American brewers to play with a barley and malt variety that is British in origin, growing climate, and style. This is one of our favorite base malts we have ever created.