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In 2019 we gave around 250 tours. We love giving tours. It was one of the most missed parts for our team during the Covid restrictions. But, with life getting more and more back to “normal”, we have been showing folks around again!

A few weeks ago we had the privilege of showing Jeff Alworth around, he has just released his second edition of The Beer Bible and is currently touring the country to promote it. Before he left for his trip he came up to do a deep dive into the world of Skagit Valley and craft malt more broadly.

Jeff went back to his home in Portland, Oregon, and wrote a lovely article about us. Dave, our President and CEO noted - “this is one of the most in depth articles to date about what we’re doing up here'.“

Are you looking for a reason to come up to the malthouse to take a look around? We’re always up for tours! Our doors are open and we’d love to show you what it takes to run a state of the art craft malthouse!