Skagit Valley Malting

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Skagit Valley Malting Participates in Heirloom Malt Competition

Skagit Valley Malting Participates in Heirloom Malt Competition

Skagit Valley Malting is excited to announce we will be participating in the RMI Heirloom Malting Brewing Award 2018 in Nuremberg, Germany.

The competition will take place on November 12 between 10 breweries from around the world who have all brewed a beer that represents a unique variety of barley. The Heirloom competition will highlight unique barley varieties from around the world and the unique flavor impacts on beer. This a great opportunity to showcase forgotten grains and promote new opportunities for brewers to explore malt.

Skagit Valley Malting has brewed a 100% Obsidian Blonde Ale that will highlight this special malt and flavors that have existed for thousands of years.

2018 Heirloom Malt Brewing Award Nominees