Our Single Vessel Malting process brings purpose-built innovation to malting: improving on conventional standards in versatility, batch uniformity, precision and accuracy, handling, scalability, and overall resource efficiency.
Grains from Skagit Valley Malting undergo steeping, germinating and kilning in a single state-of-the-art vessel with controlled rotation at adjustable speeds. This, combined with our advanced process-monitoring system, allows us to malt a remarkable range of barleys and other grains or seeds, and to target outcomes across a spectrum of technical parameters, such as color, diastatic power and soluble/total protein ratio.
Best of all, because we can dial it in so precisely, we can do so again and again. The repeatability and scalability of your favorite malt “recipe” is something we pride ourselves on. As your business grows, we’re there to grow right alongside you, wherever your unique vision wants to go.
Pilot malt system
350 lbs. / full batch, as malt
Production malt system
7 Single Vessel Malting Machines
18,000 lbs/full batch as malt
7-9 day ave. process
Current capacity 175 Ton Per Month
Grain Handling & Storage
Four 850 Ton and 6 350 Ton bins
Moisture/Temp controlled
14,000 sq. ft. warehouse
Organic Process Certified
Planned Site Capacity
16,000 T
Up to ~ 35 machines
Supported by current acres