By Eric Buist

The beer that got me into craft beer was a Scotch Ale, Founders Dirty Bastard in fact. This style of beer has been near and dear to my palate ever since. Each year I brew one and tweak the recipe a bit to continue the process of dialing in the perfect malt bill for a big, malty, caramel and molasses bomb.

When we released a new experimental malt this year, I knew how my Scotch Ale would change! Molasses Malt is an intense dark caramel malt in the vein of a Special B. It isn’t roasted, yet still hits 236 SRM color and presents a truly molasses-y flavor.

Here’s my Scotch Ale recipe using our new Molasses Malt!

Scotch Ale

5 Gallon Batch


14lbs (89%) Pilot Pale

12oz (4.8%) Xtra Dark Munich (60 SRM)

8oz (3.2%) Molasses Malt

4oz (1.6%) Dextrin Malt

2oz (0.8%) Black Malt (660 SRM)


60 Minute - 1oz EKG - 13.1 IBU

15 Minute - 1oz Fuggle - 7.2 IBU

15 Minute - 1oz Perle - 12.8 IBU


White Labs - Edinburgh Ale (WLP028) or another Scottish Ale Yeast

Mash at 152 for 75 minutes, boil for 60 minutes.

OG - 1.082

Ferment in Ale temperature range ~65ºF for a week and let condition for 1 months.

This beer should end up around 1.021 hitting 8.1%.

Do you brew a Scotch Ale? What other styles could you see Molasses Malt fitting into?

Head to the SVM Store to get your hands on some fresh Molasses Malt, now in 25lbs bags!