Francin was bred for all malt Czech-style brewing in the Czech Republic. Malt breeding in the Czech Republic selects for higher functionality for Czech beer brewing styles, not necessarily on higher extract. Due to this, we offer it as both a traditional step-mash decoction Pilsner and a Bohemian Malt that has a higher kiln, which brings out more flavor. This malt performs well in styles where distinct malt flavors are desired to balance out hoppiness.


Malt Story

Francin was brought to us by a grower who had the opportunity to bring it over from the Czech Republic. Fast becoming the dominant barley for all malt brewing in its native land, we brought it to the Skagit Valley to allow it to combine superb genetics with our terroir and technology. This malt is one of our highest extract malts and has amazing flavor for lager and more balanced IPA brewing.

Varietal: Spring two row malting barley

Varietal Origin: Registered in Czech Republic in 2014

Parentage: ST 3578/04 × Sebastian

Growing Region: Skagit Valley Washington

Malt Styles

Francin Pilsner

Suggested Beer Styles: Mixed Culture, Pilsner

Francin Bohemian

Suggested Beer Styles: German and Czech Lager, Balanced IPA, Hefeweizen, Belgian Styles